EQD Arpanoid

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EQD Arpanoid

Not knowing much about the insides of this pedal, is this something someone could take a stab at, or is it one of those super-hi-tech/no-freakin'-way pedals? Curious...
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Re: EQD Arpanoid

Unfortunitely, it's digital and has special programming, do it's not going to happen unless you can get the programming for it. Not coming at you man, but just remember that for a request there needs to be a schematic, or gut shots of the top and bottom of the board to be done. Otherwise it's going to get deleted, since there's nothing that can be done. I've actually got to go through and weed out what's been done and what can't be done, just haven't had any time to do it yet.
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Re: EQD Arpanoid

Gotcha... wasn't sure if someone may have had a schematic out there. Thanks.
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Re: EQD Arpanoid

No worries man. It happens all the time, so I'm constantly trying to get it under control to help streamline everything.

It's best to do some searches for schematics and gutshots when looking at doing a request. Use the usual sources like google, DIYSB forum, and FSB forums. Pedals are constantly being reverse engineered so you just have to keep an eye out for what's being worked on, and sometime a making a request over there people that have the pedal will help by taking pics and tracing it. There just have to be enough people interested, ya know?