EarthQuake Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

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EarthQuake Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

Hi, i build the Earthquaker Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

the Problem is, in Bypass and also in the Effect way, i have signal, but there is no reverb.

i measured:

1.  VCC     = 4,9
2.  REF     = 4,9
3.  AGND    = 0
4.  DGND    = 0
5.  CLK_0   = 0-5
6.  VCO     = 2,0
7.  CC1     = 0
8.  CC0     = 4,5
9.  OP1OUT  = 4,7
10. OP1IN   = 0,5
11. OP2IN   = 4,9
12. OP2OUT  = 4,9
13. LPF2IN  = 4,9
14. LPF2OUT = 4,9
15. LPF1OUT = 4,9
16. LPF1IN  = 4,3

1. OUT  = 3,8
2. 1IN- = 3,8
3. IN+  = 3,8
4. VCC+ = 7,6
5. 2IN+ = 3,4
6. 2IN- = 3,8
7. 2OUT = 3,8
8. 3OUT = 3,6
9. 3IN- = 3,8
10.3IN+ = 3,8
11.VCC- = 0
12.4IN+ = 3,8
13.4IN- = 3,8
14.4OUT = 3,7

Q1&Q1 = I  = 7,6
              G = 0
              O = 4,9

1. +5V             = 4,9
2  Power GND   = 0
3  Input           = 0
4  Signal          = 0
5  Output2       = 0

maybe there is a component damaged?
my english is a bit rusty, sorry for that.

greetings from Berlin/Germany
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Re: EarthQuake Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

i know harald designed his original vero layout for the first bigger belton brick, and has modified it since for the newer smaller version. it may sound obvious but have you read through the forum notes and contrubutions at sabrotone which cover that distinction?

if the pt2399 bit works and the bypass works then it sounds like i could be a brick wiring thing. am sure someone here far wiser than i will be able to advise you in more depth at some point, but the sabro forum follow up posts may help to start your trouble shoot?

re germany,
i spent some reckless times in hamburg during my teens. definitely fun to be had there.
and my last girlfriend was german. she dumped me but i refuse to hold that against the entire german people. i'm magnanimous like that.
re other matters, tell angela to stop cosying up to desperate dave. he's full of shit and will sell her out at the first chance he gets. not to be trusted under any circumstances.

best of luck with your ghost. they are worth the bother.
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Re: EarthQuake Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

Hi tabbycat, yes i noticed the changes. the brick is wired correctly. i used the corrected layout from johnk. i put out the PT2399 and bridged pin 14 and 16 with the same result. the problem must be a damaged brick or the opamp, or maybe a cold solder joint, have to check it again.

oh yes Hamburg is nice, i was a few times there when i was a child, i like city's with much water.
in my opinion germany get's more and more self-satisfied and unfriendly,
but of course not the entire general puplic. but sometimes i'm ashamed to be german,
especally in case of politics. whatever

and yes your right, never trust tories and christians, too :))

best wishes

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Re: EarthQuake Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

This post was updated on .
hey candyralifornia, sorry to hear it's not an obvious fix. did you heat sink the belton connections when you soldered them? it's just 3x pt23999 and some odd bits glued in there. or could be a dead brick. maybe the belton datasheet will give you some simple test set up to check it is functioning to spec.

may be something to help you here...

degooped brick...


btw did you use the short, mid or long brick? i went long and accepted the extra modulation as part of that. but i often wonder what a small or mid ghost would sound like.

hamburg was mental. 24h sin city. twenty years later i'm still trying to catch up on all the sleep i missed then. but memories are made of this.

was teasing re the ex. i like the germans in general, all though they have a weird attitude to work. they like it? i'm more italian in my attitude to that. life is for living.
re the girl, she was a chronic insecurity case and i got tired of indulging that. inevitable though sad.

hope you crack the brick thing.

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Re: EarthQuake Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

hi tabbycat,i hope not so, i know heat is a IC, Transistor Killer. had wired the brick with a piece of plate to dissipate the heat. sometimes i wonder how simple electronic parts are build. 3x PT2399 in a plastic enclosure :D btw. i used the long version, too. but don't know how it sounds :=
some say the italiens are lazy. in my opinion, there are just cozy. whatever...

thank you for help and
have a nice weekend mate :-)

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Re: EarthQuake Ghost Echo (Harald Sabro Layout)

M. Spencer
Since they're a bit pricey I was thinking about building my own Belton Brick for a ghost echo. One look at the schematic and my enthusiasm has withered. Anyone know of a cheap workaround or do I have to pony up $18 for a BTDR2?