EarthQuake Monarch - drop down volume when hiting strings hard - active pickups

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EarthQuake Monarch - drop down volume when hiting strings hard - active pickups

Hi guys, i notice this is one has an excelent sound, but when i hit hard the strings (EMG pickups 18v), there´s something like a overload on the input, so the volumes go down, then come back again. Please, send me some suggestion to prevent this issue! I don´t know if a bugger can help on this case! Or something to lower the signal on the input.
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Re: EarthQuake Monarch - drop down volume when hiting strings hard - active pickups

bugger= buffer
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Re: EarthQuake Monarch - drop down volume when hiting strings hard - active pickups

You mean this?

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Re: EarthQuake Monarch - drop down volume when hiting strings hard - active pickups

not exactlylike that.. i use my pickups a lot lower, but the sound is cutting completely for a while (overload), them return. i cant bury the pickups more than that, this will finish my clean signal.
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Re: EarthQuake Monarch - drop down volume when hiting strings hard - active pickups

Does it stop if you roll down the guitar's volume a little bit?
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Re: EarthQuake Monarch - drop down volume when hiting strings hard - active pickups

It´s more pronounced on the trebly strings.

1. If drop thevolume on the guitar, it stops.

2. It happens just on the maximum position on treble pot of the pedal. If roll back the treble pot a bit it stops.

Is there a way to make it less treble (change pot value??)