Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

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Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

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A dual overdrive based on the classic grey spec DOD 250.
Thanks to David for creating the original layout.
You can find more info on his website:

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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

Thanks Alex, I'll build it tonight!
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

I tried the A and B side separately, and it works just fine, I haven't tried the switching options, cause for some weird reason I ran out of footswitches plus I have to get duo LEDs too - so that part is not verified yet.

Other than that I sounds really gooood!
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Alex
Great contribution!
This one goes high on my "2 build" list!

One slight thing though:
It might be an idea to re-label the "+9v" lead on the Channel Ftsw to "BY LED+" so that people do not hook it up directly to the +9v supply and burn out their LEDs.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

This post was updated on .
Hi Neil.
The LED shouldn't burn out cause the resistor is between the common cathode and ground.
It connects to the board.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

In reply to this post by Alex

I got messed up on that part where from the board there's a Ch. Ftsw 5, and on that footswitch the middle leg says +9V.

Can you help me on that?
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

Sorry mate!
Just ignore it.
I must have left it there by mistake.
Pin 5 goes to +9V.
I've corrected it.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

In reply to this post by Alex
Thanx for that layout
i see actually its 26 cuts and 12 links
is it right ?
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

That's correct.
I forgot to change it!
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

In reply to this post by Alex

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Re: Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel

In reply to this post by Alex
So, I made this the other night and my leds light up but I get no sound when I turn it on. I've been over it and over it, checked all the usual suspects and everything seems to check out.  I'm thinking I may have misunderstood the footswitch wiring. Currently I have pin 5 on the channel ftsw hooked up directly to 9v supply and I also have the +9v from the board going directly to the supply. I thought that was right until i looked at this thread. Now I'm confused.  Is this right? Can anyone clear this up for me? Thanks!