Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

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Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

web site has it billed as a harmonic tremolo, and the demo sounds really good so would possibly make a nice addition to the tremolo section :o) not sure how doable it would be though as I've not managed to find either a schematic or gut shot so far?
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

Addy Bart
The attack mode sounds so good. Has anyone done this with a trem before?
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

I'm also interested in a schematic/layout of this device! Also I'm wondering how it is done that (in manual mode) a parameter is controlled/modified by pick attack.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

I reckon our resident brainiacs will know how it's done but I'd hazzard a guess at maybe some kind of envelope follower?

I think something like this has been done before, the whole idea does ring a few bells but probably with digital rather than analogue. Personally I'd be quite happy with just the manual and LFO modes though, for me the attack mode is a really nice extra but if it was really complicated (And space hogging) to implement then it's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make, and it may be something that would make sense to have on an optional daughter board?
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

Watching the demos, Tremshifter looks very similar.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

This post was updated on .
I think there are some similarities, and TremShifter looks like an worthwhile build (It's already made it onto my to do list) but I think there is a different feel to each of them if that makes sense? kinda like they are aiming for the same ball park but different parts of it?
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

Yes, i agree. I dont think these are the same circuits, but, for me, they do the same things. Sorry my poor english.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

In reply to this post by velouriafx
velouriafx wrote
Watching the demos, Tremshifter looks very similar.

HAs anyone made a layout for the tremshifter?  I cant find it on the site.

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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

I have built the tremshifter from the linked layout - sounds fantastic, definitly worth a buildt!
Used the Tayda LDRs for it and the recommended LEDs.

The sweep is a bit less pronounced than in the Night Wire demo though.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
i've recently build tremshifter too, from the perf&pcb layouts mug said, it's great. i love that tremolo. you have to be careful choosing LEDs and LDRs. my comment there in case someone wants to build this

"i've used the right leds and now it works as it should. red for trem and filter leds. blue for D1 and green for D2."
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Re: Earthquaker Devices Night Wire

In reply to this post by PMowdes

  Something like that could control a parameter depending on your playing, or that`s at least what I understand from this. It could be part of a lot of effects, I hope so, controlling Feedback for a delay the harder it recognizes the attack the more feedback then relaxing. Or the intensity of an effect, or the speed of a tremolo, vibrato, chorus... If that works, limit is the sky!
 I remember too reading a project from Nicholas Boscorelli where he was aiming at a tremolo controlled by your attack

 This is colorsound wah variation with the envelope controlling the sweep, I think that the schematic is clear and would be easy to change the wah part for an ldr controlled tremolo.!projects/vstc2=dynawah-schematic

  And I also thought about the possibility of controlling a deep blue delays or every delays wet signal with something alike, but instead of using the strength of the attack as the control, using the amount of notes played, to be recognized as a " stream" that stops the wet and doesnt let it sound along the dry path,
but allows wet or echoes go along single or more separated notes.
  I know its a type of ducking delay, that lots of digital delays have that function, I even have an digital delays like that, but Im still curious and I think that with 2 circuits maybe the task could be acomplished, first, turning your audio into trigger pulses, and I think Neil mc nasty made recently something like that
and then with this ancient one, from the man himself Craig Anderton
this way you end up with a control voltage out if this can handle the balance between dry and wet in the echo, then this could be made.
 Im a  electronics dummy so if someone could tell me if this approach would work i would be grateful eternally