Earthquaker Devices "The Warden"

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Earthquaker Devices "The Warden"

Surprised this hasn't been requested before!

6 knob clean sounding compression, what more can I say?

There's a PCB layout on here, but I think most people aren't going to print their own boards, so I figured I'd put a request for the experienced. I might work on a schematic in the mean time.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices "The Warden"

Silver Blues
There's a schematic on FSB. I was looking at this myself, it looks interesting. I kind of want to build one just to see how it compares to my Really Cheap Comp. They're still not totally sure about the correctness though, so I'd wait a bit or breadboard it first.
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Re: Earthquaker Devices "The Warden"

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If anyone is willing to test it, this is drawn from the latest schematic.