Earthquaker Devices Transmisser w/ gut shots

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Earthquaker Devices Transmisser w/ gut shots


I've been pinching my pennies and finally treated myself to a used Transmisser from ebay. I was hoping to work on a schematic to share with the gang, but when I opened it up, it's more complicated than I was prepared for. It's got surface mount components, and I'm not too sure how to ID them, especially some of the small caps that have no numbers of any kind. I also see a 28-pin chip (Spin Semiconductor FV-1 1612A) that is soldered directly to the board, making me wonder if tiny sockets exist for that. I can snap lots of photos and get in very close to the tiny components to get help ID'ing them, but I was wondering if this one is simply just "not doable," based on these initial hurdles..?


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Re: Earthquaker Devices Transmisser w/ gut shots

yeah I don't think you can copy this one. that spin FV-1 is a processor which holds code that only the earthquaker guys have.