Easy cheap power distribution

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Easy cheap power distribution

I started off years go with a 1-Spot power supply and it worked well for me except it was very very messy the way it daisy-chained.  It's a very common sense design it just tends to get all over the place on a pedal board.

Well, I was just building Rocket88's/Inductions power supply brick (as seen here), and I wanted a couple of the outputs to be used to daisy chain dirt pedals/low amp pedals.

Instead of the 1-Spot style daisy-chain, I got a couple of these from Ebay and a few of these from Tayda.  

Don't worry if the Ebay listing is no longer viewable as I'll post a picture of what I got, below.

So here it is, pre-op:

And after:

Of course you CAN just leave it as is and fashion a 2.1mm barrel to 2.1mm barrel adapter (which I considered, and it would be modular, so it has it's own advantages and disadvantages) but I chose to just snip it and give it a sex change operation.

If you decide to do the same, there is one caveat... inside the wiring of the 1-in-4-out the two wires are black and red.  I had to wire the new end BLACK positive, and RED ground.  I might have done something goofy, though, but mine works perfectly.  Remember to use your multimeter before you solder it!

Anyway, this might seem incredibly elementary to some, but I hope some pedal sophomores, like myself, might find it very useful.
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Re: Easy cheap power distribution

Oh, and keep the snipped off female end to make a quick, easy, and very very convenient polarity-reversal adapter for those asinine center + pedals!  Shazam!!!