Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

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Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

After building the Wigl last week i really want to do a full easy vibe
 Sabrotone has a layout but almost all the comments have ticking issues. Now that i see the Mark hammer fix for the Wigl i was hoping someone could do the full 4 stage easyvibe with the tick fix. Thanks
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

I built one using the Sabrotone layout with TL064s and didn't notice any ticking. Wasn't too crazy about it though.
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

In reply to this post by strassercaster
thanks for the heads up about the potential ticking stassercaster. i made the board over christmas from the verified sabrotone vero layout, but still not tested yet due to personal stuff. would be interested to hear if anyone else here has had the ticking issue and what they did about it?

i was under the impression that this build was ironed out re bugs, with harald responding to issues with tweaks as revisions before posting the verified layout. schematic has been around for fifteen years now so i would have thought it was relatively resolved. re ticking in general, i thought the usual remedy in those cases is to separate lfo and gain grounds out. comments on the sabro page suggest TL064 resolves ticking issues.

the sabro layout seems a pretty nice one re spacing and format so maybe a case of tweaking what is there if necessary rather than a complete rework.


will watch this thread with interest.
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

Ill reread the posts there are several complaints of ticking which has made me wait to make it. Alex and Savvas tackle these kind of mega builds with no problem .I was just hoping for the best of both worlds i guess ha ha. I found anouther layout done on paper from a guy on free stompbox that looks pretty cool. i like that layour because all the ldr and led are in a row . I am going to wait a bit and see if someone here wants to give it a go. The wigl sounds really good. I made 2 harbingers and its a tad brighter but just as chewy. I love vibes and phase pedals ha ha. Although they can be the biggest pains sometimes . ha ha
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

strassercaster wrote
I found anouther layout done on paper from a guy on free stompbox that looks pretty cool. i like that layour because all the ldr and led are in a row . I am going to wait a bit and see if someone here wants to give it a go. The wigl sounds really good. I made 2 harbingers and its a tad brighter but just as chewy. I love vibes and phase pedals ha ha. Although they can be the biggest pains sometimes . ha ha
who drew the layout at fsb? if it's someone very well known over there (sinner, digi2t, rg keen especially) it should be perfectly sound. the hardcore there are very conscientious about verified and unverified. they wouldn't call verified if it wasn't.

re the wigl, as i've got the sabro hollis easy vibe waiting to be tested and boxed i haven't been tempted, but the harbinger is on my list (pcb, vero would kill me). re the four in a row, the sabro layout is good. i always use greenies for nf in modulations, and there are a couple of fat uf caps on there, yet everything fits very tidily.

i know what you mean about phase, vibe, flanger too. i was too young for glam or punk so postpunk and goth were my first real influences, siouxise, cure, european goth, etc. put your speaker cab in the washing machine and set to fast spin, etc. so those extreme modulation sounds are deep in my dna. i struggle to get excited when people rage about limp overdrives and weedy two transistor fuzzes. give me high seas and spaceship noises all day long.

only downside is that modulation builds on vero are a total bitch. hate them. ab flanger and harbinger on pcb next maybe.

what are your fave (bought or built) modulations btw?
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

although it is kind of a pain, the Mutron II is one of my favorite effects of all time. There's something about that phaser sound that they totally nailed with that circuit. This site has layouts for both the LED/LDR version and the vactrol version.

Re: chorus, the EQD Sea Machine spans my chorus need palate pretty well.. from shimmery glassy chorus to the super lush/wacky chorus sounds... I'm still waiting for someone to stripboard the Roland Juno chorus circuit so I can use that in my effects rig. One day it WILL be on my pedalboard, whether someone else builds it or my skills get to the point where I can do it myself. I've built the Sea Machine, but I use the Iron Ether Polytope on my board right now. Pretty sure it's a digital effect/not possible on vero, but I love the chorus sounds that box makes.

Flanger effects are sparse on vero, I haven't tried the Madbean Collosus yet, but the MXR 117 (or something like that) does the flanging thing pretty well and I think that's what it's based on.

My desert island modulation effect though, if I could only have one mod stomp on my board, would be the Diamond Quantum Leap. That pedal is capable of really sweet sounding chorus, flanging, delay, and octavey/shimmery effects.. and they all sound good.
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

In reply to this post by tabbycat
if you google easyvibe layout the thread comes up http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php/v/cathexis/ once there you have to do a little digging . I may try this one Im kind of waiting to see if alex or Savvas want to give it a got. I trust their stuff more from experience. Still unsure of the sabrotone there are good and bad comments up till recently.
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

In reply to this post by tabbycat
Ha ha I like my two transistor fuzz pedals . In fact I like all effects pedals not enough to buy but every effect does something of value . I love the space age sounds of the modulation effects too. The only pedal i ever hated was the rat distortion pedal . Which i find it ok now .
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

In reply to this post by tabbycat

here is the link directly yto a pen and paper layout. Maybe you can help me where do the lug three on the 2 speed pots go? They show positive and ground is the positive the 9v? or is it the regulated power any idea
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

You can also find some LFO mods here:
I could give it a try (maybe with the extra mods?) but it might be better to use 2 dual op-amps instead of a TL064 for Mark Hammer's ticking mod.
Wouldn't it?
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Re: Easy vibe with mark hammer tick fix

thanks Alex i appreciatte it. im busy the next few days with work. i saw its already verified great job .i cant wait to make it.