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I'm looking for knowledge on DIY sustainer/ebow circuits. I've found a few promising documents, most of them suggest the inductors are driven by an LM386 based amp circuit. I have seen one project that adapts Dano's Ruby for this purpose. This project page has promising information and a circuit adapted from a patent. A quick google search turns up a few schematics:





I'd be interested to know if any of you have built DIY ebows. The challenge seems not just the circuit but building a useful handheld enclosure as well. I have also read some who experience the 386 overheating? Could this be a reaction to improper inductors? Thanks for any information!
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Re: Ebow/Sustainer

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I'm attempting to figure out this project this weekend. I decided to follow this schematic:

I've never attempted a vero layout, this is my first try. I'm no idea how close I am on this one. Any feedback would be great! The input coil is 8 Ω and the output is 50 Ω.  

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Re: Ebow/Sustainer

did it work? where did you get your buzzers? Do the tayda ones work you think?
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Re: Ebow/Sustainer

Hey KT, when I tested this circuit it did produce an effect. I used small speakers (from a local surplus shop) of relatively close value. I was able to vibrate the strings well, but the speakers themselves gave off an irritating buzzing noise.

I would double check my layout, it was done sometime ago and I am pretty sure it is at least partially incorrect. Tayda inductors are what I had in mind too. Please let me know if you are able to figure this out! I would like to revisit this.


Thanks again for bringing up this project idea. It has got me thinking about it again. In retrospect, I would maybe rebuild it with this schematic:

There seems to be more evidence on youtube of people following this and being able to reproduce an ebow effect.

Actually, 3D printing an Ebow enclosure would be an awesome project!
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Re: Ebow/Sustainer

a while ago I also posted this

I ordered the buzzers from tayra so I will try it myself to