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Edumcate me: BTDR2 vs. BTDR3 verb modules

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Edumcate me: BTDR2 vs. BTDR3 verb modules

Mr. Lumbergh
8 posts
Pardon if this has been asked before, but the search didn't return much.
What are the real differences? I've seen only 1 design on here that calls for the 3, but what are the real differences between these reverb modules? What, if anything, does the 3 give us above the 2? How are they wired differently?

If it ain't broke, it can probably still be optimized...
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Re: Edumcate me: BTDR2 vs. BTDR3 verb modules

610 posts
For version 2 you had to buy either Short Decay, Medium Decay or Long decay.
If I'm correct, version 3 is switchable. So you can choose Short, Medium or Large on the brick itself.

Version 3 has not been out that long, and that is probably why you don't see it on a lot of (older) layouts.

You should be able to use version 3 for all layouts too.

* EDIT: Scartch that. The 3 has 2 extra lugs. Probably as a depth control, but I have no idea. Curious too now haha

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Re: Edumcate me: BTDR2 vs. BTDR3 verb modules

Ciaran Haslett
590 posts
Depth can be controlled just by adding a pot on the new 3 bricks.  The modulation on it however is awful, the worst of all the versions (just my opinion).  It's great for an always on to liven up an amp but at higher settings it just doesn't sound like any reverb I've ever heard.  I'm more a classic spring kinda guy.
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Re: Edumcate me: BTDR2 vs. BTDR3 verb modules

Addy Bart
148 posts
Only used the 'long' version but I found the modulation more upfront on the BTDR-2 bricks than the BTDR-3. Maybe it's an acquired taste but I quite like them both