Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

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Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

Hi all,

I'm new to the site and relatively new to the noble art of pedal building.

For my next build I'd like to try an electra distortion type circuit and would welcome the advice of the learned folk of this board.

What's the favoured variety?



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Re: Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

myron tataryn
Something by Lovepedal could be a good starting point,either the woodrow or les luis,both being tweedy type distortion pedals.All the best mate,Myron.
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Re: Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

Silver Blues
I would start with the Les Lius, it's a pretty cool circuit that you'll probably enjoy.
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Re: Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

Welcome aboard.
Here is another electra -style circuit. Small and easy build. best of luck!
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Re: Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

Welcome. I'll second the snowjob. It will let you get both a clean boost and distorted booster/OD distortion. If you socket for the diodes you can swap until you get soemthign you like. Hell you can put the diodes on a switch and get 2 different clipping options and the clean boost.

Once you get that under your belt, I would say the Germaniun Giant. But, you'll need a Ge transistor and Ge diodes for it. One of my favorites, not just cause I worked on it's development with beaker and a few other guys here, too many names to list, it's really an awesome effect. It's one of my "always on" effects.
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Re: Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

Many thanks for the recommendations. I was originally thinking Woodrow or Green Giant, but I'll probably start with the Snow Job on a bread board an have a play (or 10,000 hours of research, as some of the boutique builders would claim). I like the idea of adding the saturation control.

Maybe the Germanium Giant for my next one to start getting my head around Ge transistors.

Thanks again.
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Re: Electra distortion type circuits - recommended builds

Any time buddy. Just remember, how far down the germanium rabbit hole do you want to go? It starts off with very little, and next thing you know it's like Pokemon, got to get them all. Lol