Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

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Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

I've built a LPB1 built from wiring diagram from this site, to this I've added a LED and foot switch 3PDT to go from boost signal to non boost. My problem is I get the boost signal and no sound at all on non boost when switched over. I've wired 3PDT switch from a wiring diagram I've used before with experiencing any problems.
I know that the original Electro Harmonix LPB1 never had a footswitch and plugged into the guitar.
Can anyone suggest how I can fix this problem. Thanks in advance. I've checked everything many times e.g., no solder bridges etc. It's doing my head in.
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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

If you have effect sound but not bypassed sound, there is clearly a problem on your wiring and not on the board. My guess is your problem will be fixed if you reverse your in and out jacks :)
Actually you can try that without even unsoldering anything. Just put your guitar when you think your Out jack is and your amp where your In jack is on the pedal.
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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

post up some pictures of the build. i don't think it's that the jacks are reversed, cause typically you'll get no sound/not really affected sound if the jacks are backwards. there's definitely a wiring issue of some sort going on here. unless the wiring is completely backwards and when you think the pedal is on it's really off, and when you think it's off it's really on, it the LED goes on reverse of when it should.

btw, CCS i know you're new, but please don't spam post the same question in multiple places in order to try to get a faster response. post in the appropriate section for what you're asking or want to talk about. if you are unsure where you should post what you're thinking look at the description at the top of the thread as a guide. example, here you had a question about a build not working, so this should be in the debugging section, which i moved it to.
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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

Thanks for heads up on posting. Sound is definitely boosted as I've tested plugging in direct to amp without changing settings and it's way louder. I've flipped in and outputs does nothing. Hope images are clear enough. Love the sound of this boost.
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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

no worries about miss posting, it happens when you don't know, so don't sweat it.

it's hard for me to tell because there's a lot of wire and it's all super close up. i do see a few things, in your stompbox wiring that's way off.

1. the DC jack you have is not one you want to use if you're using a battery. if you attach a battery it's going to be on all the time and drain. you want to use one like this. this will switch off the battery when you have a DC jack plugged into it.

2. the status LED should be connected to lug 1 of the stomp switch, top lug on left row.

3. you should have a ground connection between lugs 2,3, & 6 of the stomp switch, middle & bottom lug on left row, and the bottom lug of the middle row. this should also be connected to a common ground point, usually all grounds are connected to the ground tab on the input or output jack.

4. input jack should be connected to lugs 4 & 9 of the stomp switch, top lug of the middle row & bottom lug of the right row.

5. input on the board should be connected to lug 5 of the stomp switch, middle lug of the middle row.

6. output form the board (lug 2 of the volume pot) should be connected to lug 7 of the stomp switch, top lug of the right row.

7. output jack should go to lug 8 of the stomp switch, middle lug of the right row.

not sure what you used for the switch wiring, but i would highly suggest using what's posted here under the offboard tab.

the board looks fine to me.

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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

These are the working diagrams I've used.
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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

Honestly i can't really tell other then what I mentioned above based on the wiring most of us use, and I can't really follow you're wiring since they're all close ups and with the colors repeating I can't be sure where certain wires are going. Personally I would wire the stomp switch like I suggested and I'm willing ro bet it will work correctly. Btw,assuming you use the wiring you posted you still have the issue of battery drain with that DC Jack. It's not made to be used with a battery.
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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

I'll rewire using wiring colours shown and let you know the outcome thanks for your help
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Re: Electro Harmonix LPB1 compact switching

Ok, I have rewired pedal as per your wiring diagram and I have switchable boost working, my only problem now is LED is continually on regardless of switch position.
LED wiring is as follows - switch lug 1 (neg) through LED to resistor (470R) to DC power jack (neg centre pole, + sleeve) same as Boss pedals used in Australia. I haven't changed to 3 lug power jack as I'll be running pedal from power supply. Getting closer yeh!!