Electrolytic Value Substitutions

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Electrolytic Value Substitutions

Hi there, I know that with with regular caps and resistors and you can cheat a little bit in either direction with no real audible differences (i.e. sub a 43k resistor where the schematic calls for a 47k) but what about with electros?

I'm trying to build the Brassmaster from Sabrotone, and it calls for five 1uf electros.

All I have left are 1.5uf electros, will I still be ok?

Thanks to anyone who answers my dumb question!

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Re: Electrolytic Value Substitutions

The rule of thumb for most component values in pedals is 10% difference or less is unnoticeable. That's true for electrolytics as well as any other caps. Your 1u5 electros are 50% larger than called for, and they are in the signal path, so you will probably hear a noticeable difference, though the circuit will still work. Whether the difference is worse or better than the original is up to your ears. This is what breadboards are for.
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Re: Electrolytic Value Substitutions

Ah, thanks, totally makes sense.

I was thinking that different rules applied to lower values.


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Re: Electrolytic Value Substitutions

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Highsmith wrote
Not at all. There are a lot of details to keep track of in this hobby, and there are exceptions to most of the rules. If you aren't sure about something, it's a good idea to ask.

Sorry if I made you feel like it was a dumb question. It wasn't.

Edit: I usually try to explain the reasoning behind my answers to technical questions because I want to help people learn to fish instead of just handing out mackerels. Maybe that comes across as implying that the answer should be obvious and you shouldn't need to ask questions, but that's only because I kind of suck at communicating.