Elegant DI schematic (from an API 512 "clone")

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Elegant DI schematic (from an API 512 "clone")

I've built 2 units of this very nice API 512 lookalike:


the DI daughterboard is quite simple and sounds great (to me "great" means "really OK", I don't care about color when it comes to DI)

I've just built another opamp based DI, but the schematic of the DI daughterboard is really simple and I think I'm gonna draw a vero for it (not really a request, then...). It's based on a 2SK170 and it's powered  via the +15V of the API lunchbox power supply.

here's the schematic, I thought it could be interesting for some folks, here:

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Re: Elegant DI schematic (from an API 512 "clone")

turned out quite well!

my intent was to make the vero as small as possible, hence the density of components...

I used a 2n5457 (beware, 2SK170 is DGS top to bottom) and powered it with 9V, seems OK so far!
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Re: Elegant DI schematic (from an API 512 "clone")

Sweet, nice work! Thanks for sharing. :)
check out my building blog at www.parasitstudio.se
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Re: Elegant DI schematic (from an API 512 "clone")

hey freppo,

any idea how to add a parallel unbalanced output? just use one side of the balanced output? take the feed from the input? splitter before that?
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Re: Elegant DI schematic (from an API 512 "clone")

Most DI boxed just take the "thru" output (if that is what you mean?) directly from the input with a resistor in series to avoid loading down the input.

But i'm not expert at this kind of theory so someone else could probably give you a better answer. Induction? Anyone? :)
check out my building blog at www.parasitstudio.se
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Re: Elegant DI schematic (from an API 512 "clone")

yes, the "thru" output it is! thanks for your insight!