Elucidating the mystery of armored cable :)

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Elucidating the mystery of armored cable :)

Hello ,

I will use the bindé cable to limit the buzz on some pedals.
And suddenly see if it is really useful or if it is useless.

I read that it was necessary to use it in entry and exit, but I'm not sure I understand :).

I use the techniguitare wiring for the footswitch which for me fits very well

However I never connect the jack output to ground but in the case of an armored cable should it do?

In general, the shemas attached seems to you correct for an armored wiring.

thank you
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Re: Elucidating the mystery of armored cable :)

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Re: Elucidating the mystery of armored cable :)

Merci pour la réponse  en Français en plus  :)

For the cables I note the addresses and refs because I know never what to take

For the armored I have a bit of this one that I was given


On the other hand I recovered a little of this one also for of unshielded and it seems to me not bad for the wiring of the pedals with many cables because very very flexible ........ I will try it soon. They are still very close ...............


They are still a more expensive mogamis ...........

If not commonly I use those



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Re: Elucidating the mystery of armored cable :)

Pas de problème. Mon Français est très mauvais, mais j'essaye dur.
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Re: Elucidating the mystery of armored cable :)

Il est bien ton français en tous cas meilleur que mon anglais car je triche j utilise google translation :)

Et pour le forum je suis obliger de faire des copier collé dans tous les sens :)

It is well your French in any case better than my English because I cheiche j uses google translation :)

And for the forum I am forced to make copy pasted in all directions :)