Emanating fist Lucifer rising

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Emanating fist Lucifer rising

Hey can anyone help figure this one out?
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Re: Emanating fist Lucifer rising

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Re: Emanating fist Lucifer rising

I've been curious why this isn't on the main page yet, MKIV based (I think??)

EDIT: I realize no Schematic out there as of yet, but the eagle eyed many among us in this forum are incredible at tracing and then laying it out, which I appreciate very much!!
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Re: Emanating fist Lucifer rising

I actually own one that’s 1 of 3 and will not be tracing it. If the captain doesn’t share the schematic then I’m not making a layout for it, I have too much respect for the man. To be honest I have an issue making DAM and EFE layouts now because I’ve seen a lot of them used to make clones people sell on eBay and Reverb, and I’m not going to support that shit. Side note you’re not going to be able to get a good trace from a picture because there’s a few components you can’t see.
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Re: Emanating fist Lucifer rising

The Captain: influenced by magic mushrooms, Fu Manchu, and Mudhoney. What's not to love?  My quest for ultimate fuzztones started EXACTLY the same way.
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Re: Emanating fist Lucifer rising

Nothing wrong with that, and we all started the same way hunting for the ultimate ton we have in our heads. But, there are too many people selling pedals using his name based on layouts from this site is a problem. It’s not ok for people to sell things using other peoples names and layouts they did nothing to create. Since DAM pedals go for stupid money its easy to sell a clone . If he releases a schematic then it’s fair game, if not I dont think it’s right since he does release some of his schematics. He can have things that are his and his alone.

To be honest, he gave 90% of what you need to know in his description of the pedal. You can get a breadboard and work through it.
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Re: Emanating fist Lucifer rising

You've raised a valid point, and I retract my "bump" I just went to fx db looked at the guts and moved a few values around in another layout, sound pretty good, Albeit I don't have the right trannies(subjective) but its a killer rendition.

Now to the shameless fucks that sell fake clones and sell off the layouts here: eat a bag of dicks! and stop giving us a shite rep, some of us only have this outlet to relax and enjoy building fun things with solder.

PS: I wanna thank you for being such a badass, making all the killer layouts and dropping your knowledge on all of us Plebs.
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Re: Emanating fist Lucifer rising
