Emma ReezaFRATzitz RF1 build issue

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Emma ReezaFRATzitz RF1 build issue

Good day gentlemen!

I just finished a build of the Emma ReezaFRATzitz RF1 for a dear friend of mine following the tagboardeffects layout http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.de/2012/10/emma-reezafratzitz-rf1.html

I did the modded version with extra bass and mid control using a DPDT stomp.
To my suprise I have no grounding issue and got a pretty cool sound right away, issue is that the bass, mid and tone control donĀ“t work.
Doubled checked the connection of the pots and did a sweep for micro bridges, but it did not help.

Could anyone more knowledgebal than me perhaps point me to where to look for the error? I know I can use my probe when I get no signal or little, but in this case I am a bit at a loss as to where to look.
I will check the position of every part later if I have to, but I always like to avoid that.

Also I am getting some bleed when the pedal is bypassed, any idea on where to look for that?

Thank you very much
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Re: Emma ReezaFRATzitz RF1 build issue

Alright, I got the tone fixed, turns out I forgot the 100pf cap close to Q1 cause it was hard to see on my printed out sheet.

The bass and mid however remain dead and I still got a bleed when the buffered bypass is on.
Any tipps?

Will do more sweeps for micro bridges in the meanwhile and see if something else turns up.
