Enclosure painting

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Enclosure painting

Lee Oswald
What's a good idea for durable enclosure painting if you don't have access
to powder coating?

I've tried the acrylic paints, baked then clear coated on a primered enclosure.
It doesn't seem to hold up to being on a pedal board that goes out several nights
a week.

Then there was primer, spray paint, clear coat, all baked. Better, but still
winds up chipping.

I saw somewhere that Skreddy recommends using Testors model paints.
I've purchased a few cans, but haven't tried it yet. I've got three enclosures
that will be getting sprayed with Testors. Skreddy didn't mention if primer is
used or not.

I'd love to hear what others have used and found to work.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Enclosure painting

I try not to worry about it and use like you primer, paint, stickers and clear coats (all baked) and don't care if they chip.

Otherwise, when I really want something to withstand abuse, I just acid-etch something on it then 1 or 2 clear coats... they end-up nice and unique and won't chip or look damaged.

I'm afraid I don't know of any paint that will last as good as powder coating when it comes to being stomped on all night every night and tossed around...
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Re: Enclosure painting

Lee Oswald
Cool, thanks.

I figured as much, but thought I should ask as most of
you are more experienced than I am in this stuff.

I'll have to look into this acid etching.
I didn't shoot anyone.