Enclosures... beyond 1590 style

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Enclosures... beyond 1590 style

After building a number of fine sounding pedals, I've started paying more attention to aesthetic side of things. Inside, outside, all is much neater now, no unnecessarily long cables, no dodgy wiring, cleaner drilling... hey, if you've seen my Fuzzrite guts you'd be surprised it works as good as it does!
With pedal looks, I've started planning and drawing some nice box layouts for decals and such. However, more i think about it, more i am dissatisfied with one thing...
With our diy building we stick to Hammond 1590 and equivalents. My stomps are all in B's and BB's with the exception of my first build that is housed in 125B which I've chosen for more space for beginner's wiring. However, after a while it all becomes quite... boring.
I'm looking for something more adventurous. Circular enclosures, these sloped Tonebender/Superfuzz style ones, triangular Buzzaround ones are sick and even these Boss style ones with recessed ones look fresher than usual 1590 stuff.
Anyone got any experience with that? Any good tips? Any good sources for them? I've seen some pop up here and there, but with prices like £40 or so. Now, I'm not a boutique builder selling my magical TS-ripoff pedals at TGP for extortionate prices, so I find it bit hard to swallow such price which.at a stretch would allow me to fully assemble three pedals ;)
So... any nice and reasonably priced options? Probably Chinese magicians on Alibaba would be happy to cooperate if I drew up some  project dimensions, but with smaller quantities, probably it won't be worth their time and/or pricing would end up quite expensive
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Re: Enclosures... beyond 1590 style

Lazy Swamis
I think most people use the Hammond style enclosures just because they are relatively cheap and available. I've seen builds in mint tins, and other small pre-made boxes.

Don't limit yourself though. Building your own enclosures can be fun too. Wooden boxes, plexiglass boxes, and folded sheet metal boxes are possibilities. With a little more skill you can also make welded steel boxes, tig welded aluminum boxes, copper boxes, or even cast your own aluminum, brass or bronze enclosures.

I weld a lot of my boxes from scrap metal. I have access to the tools at work, and it just seems more practical to spend the money on components when I can build the enclosures for no added cost. I'm too lazy to cast them, but I have home made tools to do that too. I have a bunch of others too, but these are some of my home built boxes. (Except the wah, although I have one half built now)
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Re: Enclosures... beyond 1590 style

That's the problem, no skills or tools ;) the only thing I plan on doing is putting fuzz face into that old metal film canister, should be cool!
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Re: Enclosures... beyond 1590 style

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
my camp gaz is empty now...bought a new one for coffee...
and i plan to "overdrive" the old one!
think about it....