Ersatz Verben

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Ersatz Verben

Thought it was about time to try something different from fuzz/od and headed for the reverb hall (pun intended?)
The ersatz seemed like an easy build so a couple of weeks later it is now sitting on my desk. Works pretty great,  but I seem to have a problem. Thing is I don't really now if it is supposed to work that way or not. Here goes.

As a delay (with >10k pot on "time") I can hear the "fb" pot changing, even if not as much as I would like, but it goes one repeat, two, three... maybe six repeats and then infinity (it is supposed to  reach infinity, I know).

Working it as a reverb though with the 10k pot, the fb is zero for 95% of the cycle and then boom, infinity again. Is it supposed to do that? On the layout page I saw two or three posts commenting on the same issue but there was no reply, that's why I thought I'd trey my luck here :)

Already resoldered some suspicious links, tried different pots, but no changes. Can someone who has built it shed some light here?

--Also, last comment on page by Germánico is a very nice idea, might go for it myself--