Escobedo Digital Octaver Fuzz

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Escobedo Digital Octaver Fuzz

A friend asked me to build them a pedal with switchable octaves up and down, so I've been checking out various octave circuits to play around with. Ended up looking into this, and really enjoying the results. Here's a link to the schematic.

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Re: Escobedo Digital Octaver Fuzz

I've built the culturejam logic fuzz which I believe is based on this and it is cool!
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Re: Escobedo Digital Octaver Fuzz

In reply to this post by SonusFluxa
SonusFluxa wrote
A friend asked me to build them a pedal with switchable octaves up and down, so I've been checking out various octave circuits to play around with. Ended up looking into this, and really enjoying the results.
thanks for posting the layout, sonus. not one i've thought about before but looks interesting and easy, which is doubleplusgood.

escobedo is the boss. i'd quite like to build up one of everything he did re the little circuits. i have a folder from fsb of a heap of his stuff on vero (probably all the jigerwoo things); pwm, rambler, etc. it's all seminal. just pick two, join them together and see what you get. years of fun to be had with that science kit.

Travis wrote
I've built the culturejam logic fuzz which I believe is based on this and it is cool!
and your demo is cool

anything by cj is worth hearing so reached for a random yt clip. it sounded great and then noticed your username. that is seriously good bad. really nasty.

was this a pcb build or a vero? i can't even find the schematic, only freppo's flawed logic fuzz (which may be a variant).
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Re: Escobedo Digital Octaver Fuzz

Hah thanks I forgot about that.

It was a PCB from culturejam. If we can't find a schem it think culturejam probably still has one and he's always a really nice helpful guy
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Re: Escobedo Digital Octaver Fuzz

after further investigation it turns out to be this. a cj and black arts collaboration of sorts.