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Zach, your cave looks sooo good and well organised.

I only dream  of having a space like that, and a gym next to your work space, so you can take out your frustrations when something doesn't work ... coooowellll

Nice work bud
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thanks man, i got s spot for you on my bench if you ever make it over to my side of the pond.

i've built the gym as you see it now because i've actually broken a few bars and a bench, and now my lifting buddy is in Cali so i'm by myself, so it's all about safety now. got to be careful when i have over 300lbs, roughly 136.5kg for you guys on the metric system, is over my head/body. i'm over on that side 6 days a week for 1-2hrs. i think in weight plates i have over 600lbs, so when i'm not teaching, playing, building, or eating i'm probably worshiping in my temple of iron

it's funny, everyone complains i make a lot of noise. i just put on the loudest, angriest music, lift as much as i can until i'm exhausted and just need to collapse, and i just make noise and bang weight around. hell the flooring is made for horse stalls. taking out frustration is an understatement, it's what gets me through teaching. lol
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In reply to this post by rocket88
That's beautiful. Such true love

How did I forget about that post from Mark?! Yeah his stash is legendary. We can only glue ourselves to eBay in hopes of achieving such greatness. The trippy thing is that I think I have more germs than him, at least in that picture. The thing is, he just has such a tasty variety of everything, we can't top him :P

The Buzzaround is an ESSENTIAL build. When you get to the Tone Benders, that should be at least near the top of your list.
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In reply to this post by rocket88
rocket88 wrote
but, i remembered mark posting his man cave a few years ago, and i went and found the post.
Looking at picture #5, I just discovered my new band name...



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hahaha heath. how did i miss that one?

travis, remember those pictures are from 2012 i think, so that's a long time ago. just imagine what it looks like now . oh the buzzaround has been on my list for awhile, so once the building begins again it will get done rather quickly. i've got to spread my builds out a little cause otherwise i'm going to have nothing to do over springbreak. lol

btw, ladies have come, and ladies have gone, but my chevelle has never left or let me down. the funny think is my gf has no problem with my spending on her, she just doesn't want to see the receipts. she's even commented on how my longest relationship is with my car, and she's afraid to even drive her cause god forbid something happens. lol.

but, when packages just show up she just give me a look and asks, "car parts? electronics parts? or instrument?" i think this ones a keeper
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Congrats! That's quite the workplace you have going on there!