FIRST LAYOUT EVER! Chase tone secret pre. Kind critiques, please?!

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FIRST LAYOUT EVER! Chase tone secret pre. Kind critiques, please?!

Ok, so, this is the first time that made a vero layout from the schematic that I had. I used a power supply layout from this site, and added the circuit. I know it could probably be a smaller tighter layout, so I’m hoping any one will help. I know the layout works cuz I built it and have been using it for over a year. My apologies if this is the wrong place to post it. Also, if feel free to use this layout anyone, anyway you’d like. It’s a great sounding circuit, and I use it as an ‘always on’ pedal. Thanks in advance.C61A3DDC-6680-4AA2-84EB-74805FF2345C.jpeg
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Re: FIRST LAYOUT EVER! Chase tone secret pre. Kind critiques, please?!

Silver Blues
It's a good start! Congrats for making a working layout your first time!

It could definitely be a bit tighter for sure - for example, column 2 doesn't need to be there at all since there is nothing in it.

We also generally like to avoid standing resistors. A 1/4W resistor spans 4 holes at its smallest, so you want to try to keep all your resistors spanning at least that many rows.

You can avoid a cut by moving the input to row N (which is currently empty) and moving the 100K resistor accordingly.

Those two 10uF caps in columns 12 and 13 are a bit too close to each other - personally I like to space out electrolytics a bit wherever possible to make it easier to build and nicer looking.

Those are the things I catch looking at it briefly, I'd need to sit down with it to give you better advice, but hopefully that helps.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: FIRST LAYOUT EVER! Chase tone secret pre. Kind critiques, please?!

Thank you very much, for the kind words and help on the layout! I will use your advice and suggestions. Thank you again!