Fat Sandwich please?

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Fat Sandwich please?

I built the fat sandwich from the contributions section by johnk.when i power it up the CD4049UBE gets hot.I know i do not have any solder bridges and definetly followed the vero exactl to the t's so somewhere there has to be a mistake.Can one of ya please post the fat sandwich sometime soon?thank you
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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

that's strange? mine works perfectly and the 4049 doesn't get hot at all.
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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

I just finished boxing mine up and it works perfect.

IMO, there must be an error somewhere in your build.

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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

I dont have the JRC7031D im trying the TL071.for Q1 i have 2N7000 Q2&3 im useing PN2222A i probed the signal through the TL071 but for some reason its not getting to the CD4049UBE.Can you post the schematic  for this please?Your pedal looks awsome.
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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

what are your voltages on each pin of your CD4049? somehow im getting power or groung to my ic causeing it to heat up.it seems like its geting hot on pins 1,2,3 and 14,15,16.I just cant figure it out.i have quadruple checked for solder bridges i have none.thank you for your help
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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

I give up.my build is exactly like the vero.i did narrow the over heating down to the left side if the 4049 but cant find anything wrong with my build as far as values of the parts and placement.it all matches.maybe all my CD4049UBe ic are bad? i dont know
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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

Are you able to post up photos of both sides of your board to the Open Chat section of the forum and see if we can identify what the issue is?

Perhaps some voltage readings from the pins as well.

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A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.
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Re: Fat Sandwich please?

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I took a 16 pin socket and hooked up 9.5 volts + to pin 1 and negative to pin 8 and have tested a few of my CD4049UBE ic's. so far all of them are getting warm as soon as i plug them in.they are not realy hot.i can hold the ic to my finger,or even on my cheeck but its still warm.so my question is do these ics run a little on the warm side?Or did i get a whole batch 15 in all of these ic's that are no good?