Favor: batw blacksheep

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Favor: batw blacksheep

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Got a favor to ask. Vince over at FSB took apart his black arts toneworks black sheep, and traced the board, and I put together the schematic. I don't have time to put a layout together for it and said I would. Would be very appreciative to say the least if someone could make a layout, I'll do my best to verify it as soon as I can. Just some things came up today that's thrown everything out of wack for me, and will be for awhile.

 photo F98AE658-3707-4BEA-AD0C-43675981F1FA_zpsbzrq7dme.jpg

Forgot to mention all transistors are 2N5089's.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi mate! i'm on it!
could you please tell me what the cap after input is?
is it a 470pf or 430pf?

and 2 more things
-from the ase of the 1st transistor is it 18k or 10k to ground?
-and from the same base we have a 330pf but i can't see the other cap witch goes to ground
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Ciaran Haslett
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In reply to this post by rocket88
Updated to include unknown values, fixes caught by Savvas and errors in schematic

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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
This post was updated on .

hi Ciaran Haslett!!!
as i see we where both working on this!you did a nice layout!
but i can see 2 small mistakes in your layout.i think you've missed a cut after the small link at the right of q2 cause now collector connects with the sustain 2, and also you have to move the uper leg of the second 1uf one hole up cause it starts from collector of q2 and not from base.
here is mine too.i thought i should post it too.

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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Awesome guys. Thanks a lot. The next couple of months are going to be crazy, and I may be going back to college now so to say things are upside down is an understatement........
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
That's excellent Savvas!  

And good man for the heads up.  AND thanks for the english phonetic spelling of your name.  Google Translate failed me and I have no idea what to call you

I'm constantly looking through the Requests section for schemes to work from as practise for drawing my own layouts.  When someone with your expertise posts one too it's great.  Gives me a chance to compare and see where I can improve (which seem to be everywhere )  So again thanks!

And sorry to hear that Zach.  I've learned a lot from reading your posts/comments.  I hope your never too far away from here.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

No worries, I going to far, just may not have the time to build and make layouts as often. Just the way the education system is going in New Jersey sucks, and isn't going to improve the achievement and understanding of the kids, plus I'm tired of being treated like a villain. So I've decided to head in a different direction as a career. And believe it or not I'm seriously contemplating going for electrical engineering, and I have this hobby to blame for it. Lol
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
thanks man for your kind words!

and zach...when i was 19 years old i passed in an electronics university here in greece...back then i didn't liked it and choosed too give it an other try for an other unioversity...(physics)...
now i regret it...but who knows!maybe it's better this way!good luck bro!
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Silver Blues
I agree, good luck man.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

In reply to this post by rocket88
Best of luck Zach!

I know exactly what you mean about the college system - I have the same experience here in the UK.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Well, I've been teaching high school, secondary to those of you on the other side of the world, and things are just becoming a shit storm of craziness and stupidity. Luckily, I'm turning 30 this year so if I'm going to make a change now is the time. Thanks for all the support guys, I know things will be fine, just have to figure the right direction for me, I can't stand the idea of not being happy in my job, and this year was just the breaking point, ya know?

I've got a few things in mind, so I'm researching it all now. Figure I'll be back in college in the fall so I could take the summer to work more on building my pedal business and just regather myself mentally. It's been pretty rough on me. But, don't worry I'm not leaving here. On the plus side, going back to college will give me a little more time in the end.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Good luck Zach - I'm sure things will work out for you bud.
My thoughts are with you
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

An error was caught in the schematic, not sure if it's going to make a difference in the vero. The 47uF should be connected to the 10k/100k/1k junction.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
it's not a problem at all...it's really easy for someone to fix it in both layouts.
in mine you have to take the + leg of the 47uf and put it in the hole above the - leg where 1k/10k/100k are.

and in ciaran's layout you have to take out the 47uf and place the +leg in any hole next to 1k/10k/100k and the -leg to ground in the row above.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by rocket88
Sorry lads.  A bit late to the party.

As Savvas said it is an easy fix in both layouts.  I've updated mine exactly as he described.

Cheers again.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

In reply to this post by rocket88
Here is my take according to this schematic over at FSB

I'm not that familiar with rotary switches yet so I decided to replace it with i Input Filter pot.

Verified vero

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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

Savvas you can consider your layout verified with one major change. The 47uF cap had to go from the 1k/10k/100k junction on the first row to ground (positive leg on row 1, negative leg ground). Thanks buddy.
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Re: Favor: batw blacksheep

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
that's great zach!!!

i finally found time to correct the cap's place in my layout.
so now it's updated and verified!

i'll post it in the Contributions!

thanks man!