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Finally did it.

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Finally did it.

3037 posts
Well the past 3 weeks have been rather crazy. I got married, traveled cross the USA with my new wife, and after having major GAS for the last 15yrs for a rickenbacker I finally took the plung. I nearly bought one in Austin, TX but something didn't feel right about it. Came home walked into a local guitar store and they had a walnut 4003 on the wall, which I wasn't really looking for I always wanted a ruby or jetglo (black). When I played it, it was perfect. The feel, the tone was like no other rick I played, so open and sustain like a mother fucker.

Came home, didn't think I would grab it and the Mrs tells me to get it, cause this is the 2nd rick to cross my path in 3 weeks when I've been looking for a few years for one, so it must be a sign. I got the store to take off about $300 and through in a setup, so I grabbed her. Come to find out there's not a lot of walnut ones that were/are made and the new ones lack binding and a few other things.

Anyways, here she is.
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Re: Finally did it.

148 posts

I'm sure you'll be very happy together.

You,  the Mrs and the Ricky.

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Re: Finally did it.

1239 posts
Very cool!  Rickenbacker recently came out with an entire line of walnut bodied guitars and basses.  I'd love to get a 330-12 walnut, but I'm not sure I'd like the skinny neck.  Still would be fun to try out...

Enjoy the new bass.
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Re: Finally did it.

610 posts
In reply to this post by rocket88
It's a beauty!
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Re: Finally did it.

3037 posts
Thanks guys.

Bogey, yea oddly enough this really makes me realize how lucky I am and how good my wife is. Not saying she wasn't good before this. Lol

Frank, I thought the same things about rick guitars. When I played Travis's it felt like butter. The neck was rather thing, but it fells so natural and surprisingly fast. The walnuts are supposed to be a very short run and not many are being made, so if you see that guitar play it and grab it if you like it, cause it may not be around later.
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Re: Finally did it.

149 posts
Wow, you won twice. Sweet bass, and a wife that encourages you to buy it. you are truly blessed.
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Re: Finally did it.

Silver Blues
1220 posts
Sweet on all counts dude
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Finally did it.

1993 posts
In reply to this post by rocket88

I still haven't stopped drooling Zach! You're killing me with GAS haha
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Re: Finally did it.

3037 posts
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Re: Finally did it.

1993 posts
I've been lusting for a 4003 since my friend let me borrow his. Such a fast neck and awesome sound. P Basses are great but the Ric is where it's at for me
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Re: Finally did it.

41 posts
That looks absolutely ace. Of spades.
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Re: Finally did it.

3037 posts
Funny you should mention Ace of Spades. Lemmy's rick was walnut, and lemmy knows best.  But seriously, when I got her home first thing I did was play Ace of Spades through my Mesa, I sent Travis a quick and dirty clip of it and it's spot on. There was such a huge difference in tone between the walnut bass and the others I've played. It could be that it's a sating finish, could be the tone wood, could just be how I played each of them, I really don't know. But, I can say for sure this one in particular is more open and clear sounding, and the pickups have much more growl and grind to them compared to the painted 4003 basses I've played. No joke, I mean there was a massive difference, to the point that the ruby and mapleglo ones I played with all the tone up sounded dark and muddy.
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Re: Finally did it.

571 posts
Congrats Rocket on getting married! And that walnut Rick looks incredible! I'm drooling over that thing, and I don't even really play bass (I can fake it a bit)!
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Re: Finally did it.

Sensei Tim
809 posts
happy NBD and NWF (new wife day, lol)

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Re: Finally did it.

1284 posts
In reply to this post by rocket88
Congratulations to you sir - on both counts!