Finished my Klon(e)...and...

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Finished my Klon(e)...and...


...I like it, though I'm still trying to understand its subtleties.

This build used a PCB from Aion Electronics, and I built it using the so-called "silver" mods and my D9E Russian diodes for clipping (with special unicorn dust sprinkled on them ).  The controls as shown are Tone on the upper left, Volume on the upper right, and Gain in the middlle (yes, yes - I'll get around to labeling it eventually).  The cool silver sparkle enclosure was purchased from Mammoth Electronics.

The Aion PCB incorporates the famous Klon buffer, which seems to add a little something to my sound (hard to say for sure without some additional listening tests).  In terms of a pure overdrive, I compared it with a recently built tube screamer circuit (actually the SRV Special, which is close to a TS-9).  As expected, running at 18V the Klon is a bit cleaner and you have to turn the gain past noon to get some good crunch going into a clean amp.  The tone control adds treble as you turn it up, and adds just enough but not so much that it gets ice picky.  The volume seems to interact with the gain too, so adjusting both gain and volume allows you to dial in a variety of overdrive sounds.  Full gain gives a rich overdrive but not enough to be considered a distortion like a DS-1 or Crunchbox (which is a good thing IMHO).

My testing so far has used my new Gretsch 6120 DSW with TV Jones T-Armond single coil pickups (GREAT pickups BTW!).  What I've noticed is that into a clean amp, the Klon is OK as an overdrive.  I actually prefer the tube screamer at some settings, as the midrange is emphasized a bit more and it sounds beefier.  However, if I add some gain to my amp (a Roland BC-60 1 x 12) so it sounds like it's on the verge of breakup, the Klon is brilliant!  It seems to add something special to the overdriven sound and I prefer it to the tube screamer.   I intend to try stacking the Klon with the tube screamer and other pedals, and I'm confident it will work well.  And that, perhaps, is the magic of the Klon - a pedal which adds depth and sparkle to an amp on the verge of breakup OR as a booster/overdrive in your pedal chain.

So in the final analysis, it's definitely a keeper.   It will be interesting to try it a gigs to see how it performs in a live situation.  And again I hope to check out the buffer with some listening tests to see it that adds something tangible to the Klon experience.
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Re: Finished my Klon(e)...and...

Pretty much sums up my feelings too.  As an overdrive there are lots of pedals I prefer to the Klon which makes the magic diode nonsense pretty much moot for me.  Used to beef up your amp sound is where the Klon works well, making it essentially a boost pedal for me.
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Re: Finished my Klon(e)...and...

Yeah.  The Klon barely even has enough overdrive to be called an overdrive.  But it works like nothing else I've tried for getting my Fender (non master volume) amp to go "crunch" in the night.
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Re: Finished my Klon(e)...and...

In reply to this post by IvIark
I agree, as a stand-alone overdrive there are loads better/equal but as a meaty boost it's the best I've tried. I personally like it with the gain at about 12 on the crunch channel, it gives it a nice added bite.
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Re: Finished my Klon(e)...and...

My "silver" version certainly has enough umph to be considered an overdrive at max gain (very similar to a tube screamer).  But as everyone has said, alone with a clean amp there are definitely better overdrive options.  I need to do some additional testing with different guitars and amps (e.g. I have an 18W twin EL84 tube amp that I'd like to test out with the Klon in front).  I also want to see if putting the Umble or Britannia downstream of the Klon will yield some interesting sounds.  Stay tuned...