First Build Blues

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First Build Blues

Firstly great site - and with my first build now complete Im hooked

Just built a super hard on and sounds great - all in all a simple build and great one to start with, but I cant be the only newb getting through a bumpy ride.

So heres the lows

1. Ordered all ceramic capacitors before finding this is not recommended - okay no sweat its a learning curve
2. ordered 100v electrolytics - not the most elegant size - hey they work fine
3.Plug in bypass good plenty signal all looks good hit switch nothing - hmm
4.Ah! no ground from switch good spot - fixed still no sound
5. Diodes wrong way round - fixed still no sound
6. Doh! wired the switch completely wrong lugs have to be horizontal.
Fixed that and sound = yes.

Biggest hassle was 10 quid B&Q solder iron I had - completely crap - constantly blackened tip was ripping through sponges to keep it clean and it just couldnt solder lugs-  so binned it. and bought an Atten solder station for not much and what a difference. Solders clean and quick things suddenly got easy.

Suppose I should have read up a little more and gone in armed with a bit more knowledge but hey sometime you just gotta have a go and learn that way

Got two build on the go now big muff and shin ei and will never ever wire a footswitch with lugs vertical!

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Re: First Build Blues

Sounds like my first build dude, don't worry it gets easier.