First attempt at a guitar effect pedal.

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First attempt at a guitar effect pedal.

Ed Nice
Wow, I can't believe how much fun this is :)

*Right up front, if anyone is reading this and thinks it might be a bit difficult, it isn't really and the learning curve is sooooo steep so just do it and you'll be churning out effects in no time.

Ok, 2 weeks ago, I decide I want to try electronics. I've never done it before and I play guitar, so pedals seemed like a good starting point.

To cut a long story short, I read some stuff, I find bitsbox, I find this site and before you know it, I've got a load of kits and 'Electronics for Dummies' and away I go!

I was so green, I spent an hour looking for a number on a resistor...

So, first try was an MXR Microamp Boost (K095). It worked after a fashion, but I've obviously got something a bit too hot, so it's not really as it should be.

Not to be deterred, I just order all the components again and build another one. Hey presto, apart from a bit of buzzing (bad earth?) at high gain, it's fantastic.

Here's my baby...

So, I need to make stuff neater, get a bit better at soldering small things (jesus this stuff is small!) and figure out an LED?

I've got 3 more kits [of increasing size and complexity] waiting to go now, so hopefully thy'll get better and neater and will all work :o

I didn't need to ask anything on here or the blogs to get it all working, but I must say a bit thanks to IVIark for his layouts and to IVIark and others who have helped me fix stuff by posting problems, things to check and solutions.

Sorry for the Oscar speech but I only finished this pedal about 30 minutes ago and I'm buzzing! I'm hooked on this now... (I just wish i knew what the heck I was doing :p)  
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Re: First attempt at a guitar effect pedal.

Down the rabbit hole you go... Welcome to an extremely rewarding and deceivingly expensive hobby!
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Re: First attempt at a guitar effect pedal.

In reply to this post by Ed Nice
Well done, but be warned it does get so addictive that you may burn yourself out and need 6 months off too
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Re: First attempt at a guitar effect pedal.

Silver Blues
One of us... one of us...
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: First attempt at a guitar effect pedal.

its like the sirens of Greek mythos. Once you hear them you fall under their spell and drown. As I'm drowning in Ge transistors.

Most importantly, welcome to the group man.
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Re: First attempt at a guitar effect pedal.

Ed Nice
Thanks guys.

It is quite expensive, at least to get started and really addictive. It's so cool... :)

What's also really cool is that I recognise most of you guys from answering questions on the blogs/forum that helped me out. And also answereing some questions where I didn't even understand the question! :)

..Seamoon Funk Machine here I come :p