Flip-Flop Loop Switcher / Dual Pedal Switcher

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Flip-Flop Loop Switcher / Dual Pedal Switcher

Hey guys. I was searching for a flip-flop looper that would be able to switch between flip flop (either-or switching) and stacking (both loops on).
This dude over here (http://jameslow.com/2018/02/20/flip-flop-loop-dual-pedal-switcher/) who did it very well but it's a bit out of my league.
Would it be possible to turn this into a vero?

He has no relays n stuff in the schematic so I could use the help.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Flip-Flop Loop Switcher / Dual Pedal Switcher

Feral Feline
Does it need to be relay?

I worked out a system for a circuit that has two inputs and one output that could be easily adapted to your needs:

1 DPDT to switch between effects A or B;
1 DPDT to switch between one effect or both on;
1 3PDT Master Bypass.

I'm planning on using stompers for all three, with LED indication. The way it's wired, the LED for whichever single pedal stays on even when in "BOTH" mode, so you know what you're getting when you go from both on back to a single — 'cause I never remember in the heat of battle.

You could, of course, have one or both of the DPDTs as toggles, or even the 3PDT if it's for a desktop setup.

Just three switches, no relays or daughterboards. I've drawn up a diagram in DIYLC, if need be, but there's plenty info online (which is how I figured out the solution to my needs).
