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Footswitch 3PDT

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Footswitch 3PDT

195 posts

Or do you buy footswitch 3PDT?
For my part at Banzai or Musikding.

On ebay they are much cheaper but ....... the quality is it to the appointment?
I guess there must be merchants on ebay that offers quality switches?

For some pedals also I 'll like to try quality Footswitch.
Can anybody advise me?
If someone at a good address I am a taker and even for the DPDT and SPDT.
The low coast at banzai are sources of problems.

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Re: Footswitch 3PDT

384 posts
Tayda is another cheap and reliable source (in my experience), I also got a job lot of 30 recently from amazon at a great price. In terms of reliability, it's very hard to know: I suspect really cheap suppliers like Tayda or the eBay supersellers source them from whichever factory gives them the best price when they need to restock, so a good (or bad) experience is not necessarily a useful predictor of future reliability.
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Re: Footswitch 3PDT

269 posts
In reply to this post by MOPO
I buy them from Tayda.  Knock on wood I haven't had a bad one yet, or any go south on me.  If you're gigging and using it every night and giving it hell you may want to buy from some place like bitcheslovemyswitches or small bear as they stock only the known stuff.  

But yeah. Tayda hasn't failed me yet
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Re: Footswitch 3PDT

478 posts
Thought i would add that i get mine from a guy on ebay. At £10.39 for 10 they are a great bargain. I have bought about 200 from him and i find they are really reliable. They are the black type. Check them out: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291644398018?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&var=590677887496&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Footswitch 3PDT

195 posts
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Re: Footswitch 3PDT

Sensei Tim
809 posts
one observation i've had:

I've bought 3PDT switches from a variety of suppliers, Tayda, BLMS, smallbear, ebay, etc.

The last batch i bought from ebay was 100% functional, but i'll never buy them again. the solder lugs on the switches had much smaller holes in them than the ones i've bought from tayda or the other suppliers.  Not that much of a big deal, but it makes it a pita when you're trying to attach 2 wires to the same lug.
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Re: Footswitch 3PDT

478 posts
Thats why i like these black ones as they have slightly bigger holes than other ones, notably the blue ones.
"Red velvet lines the black box"