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Found a Casiotone!

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Found a Casiotone!

571 posts
So I found this lovely early 80's Casiotone on my block. I brought it home, cleaned it up, repaired a few minor things, then started finding some modifications for it. Sounds pretty damn nice. And now it can get real weird if you want it to. Wish I played keys better!

Before and after shots:

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Re: Found a Casiotone!

559 posts

Where did you find out how to do the mods??

I have been asked if I could mod a korg kpr-77 but I don't know where to start.  I had a look on www.circuitbenders.co.uk but the don't seem to be very liberal with information like they do on here.
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Re: Found a Casiotone!

571 posts
Hi, i responded to your question, but just saw now that it was not posted for some reason.

Anyway, I found a list of mods in an article from the early 80s. Specifically for this model. That gave me a great place to start. Then I just started messing around looking for results that sounded good/useful to me.

Sorry, I don't know much about the Korg.