Foxrox wah retrofit buffer onboard wiring

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Foxrox wah retrofit buffer onboard wiring

Could anyone help me with the wiring.I try this as a buffer outside the wah and it works but when i put it in the wah pedal it did not.The bypass works but when i engage the wah i have no signal.I am using the companys information and put it like this: 

the layout i used is this from the site:
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Re: Foxrox wah retrofit buffer onboard wiring

Have you got onboard jacks or skeleton ones that are wired separately?
Basically you take output from the board and instead of going to switch, you take it to foxrox in and out for the buffer goes to the switch where board output was. So in the instructions, instead of clipping the wire from lug of the pot to switch, you disconnect it at the switch side and take the free end of that wire as foxrox input and foxrox output goes to the switch where you've disconnected the wire. Ground goes to jack sleeve and power goes wherever is suitable, diode is good. Are you sure you put it in the right side of the diode? Check whether you're getting 9v at foxrox 9v rail
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Re: Foxrox wah retrofit buffer onboard wiring

The jacks of the pedal are open type(skeleton) and the wiring is the same as the teese wah.I boxed the buffer in an independent box outside the wah and works perfect, so i understand my layout is ok.Then i try to put it inside the wah pedal to have a true bypass signal when the wah is disengaged and the wah effect with buffer when the pedal is engaged.There is a cable from the board going to the third lug wah pot and from there to the switch.I disolder the end goes to the switch and put it as input to the buffer, then i take the output from the buffer and solder to the switch where the previous cable is.Then i run the ground cable from the buffer to the ground pin of out jack and a cable from the 9v power dc jack to the buffer.Finally i check the voltage in the buffer and its ok but the problem remains.Bypass works but when i hit the pedal there is no sound,the effect and buffer does not work.The switch is wired like this: 
Do you think i have done something wrong or a different switch wiring maybe help?
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Re: Foxrox wah retrofit buffer onboard wiring

From what you're saying it seems that you're wiring is fine. If you've got 9v at the buffer and it works as a standalone box, I've got no idea. How did you wire the dc jack? Are both cables, one to board and other to buffer soldered to the same lug? The other positive lug should be connected to battery positive terminal. Check whether you're getting 9v at both buffer and board.
Also, might be stab in the dark but are you sure that no part of the buffer solder side is touching the enclosure? That would short everything to ground.
I understand that when you wire the wah as stock, it works perfect again, right?
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Re: Foxrox wah retrofit buffer onboard wiring

The dc wiring is as it should be,two cables from the same lug one goes to wah board the other to buffer.Both boards are powered and grounded correctly.The weired thing is that i try many times with many different layouts and from other sites the same buffer and all of them works as standalone outside the wah but not as it should be working when i put them in the pedal.The only fuzz friendly wah buffer that works correct in my pedal is the fuzz centrall one with 2n5457 fet.I have tried too many times the foxrox and allways the same thing happens that makes me crazy.Do you wire one of these in your wah pedal and works?Anyway thanks for your help and for the fast replys!
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Re: Foxrox wah retrofit buffer onboard wiring

That's indeed weird. I'm out of ideas. If you could send the photos of the board and wiring we might find something, but from what you're saying, it all should be fine.
Why didn't you stick with fuzzcentral buffer? I had that one and worked nicely. Never tried foxrox though