Foxx Clean Machine

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Foxx Clean Machine

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A 3 cascaded booster/fuzz thingy with a misleading name.



I think it's verified...but it just sounds like a bad way and I usually like stuff that sounds like crap. Sounds like a misibiased overdrive especially in switch posotion 3. Posiition 4  is better, but there is a volume drop when you dig in. Tried several different transistors and lower gains sounds less shrill and slightly better biased. So far ME4003 sounds best which is... almost ok...

Position 1 is quite unusable, Position 2 to is ok, a simple dirty boost.

Oh, well, there might be a reason that this one is quite unknown...
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Re: Foxx Clean Machine

Short update. This thing don't like hot humbuckers. Just tried it with a strat with low output pickups and now it sounds decent, sort of a dirty punky overdrive.