Frantone Cream Puff

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Frantone Cream Puff

Hi there!

I have built the Cream puff lately, and ran into some problems

First I made a very stupid mistake, I forgot to add the 150nf and 4.7nf caps.. The effect worked though, only problem: on any setting lower than the fuzz/fluff at 100%, it sounded really woofy, way too much lows, as i it's being held back. Not fuzzy at all and not possible to get it out with the tone knob (which works like it should, when the fuzz is fully open).

Quickly realized my mistake (and surprised it did work without it), I added the caps, expecting this would solve my problem.

There was no difference to my ears now I added the caps. Still only good when maxed. I know the leds on the left shouldn't light up, but the ones on the right only light up when it's maxed, as if they don't get enough signal when it's not maxed.

I changed the 470uf to a 220uf, but don't think that would change the tone. Another thing I did was i let the 1uf Elco and the 100pf ceramic share a hole.. because the coppertrack was slightly damaged where the 100pf should be. I bridged that however to the IC.

Could the above be any reason of it failing? Or is it something else? Cant post pics right now, but will if it would help!

When maxed it totally sounds as it supposed to though, real mean distortion/fuzz. Could always omit the fluff/fuzz knob, but feel Im wasting potential haha.