Free Hammonds at NAMM

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Free Hammonds at NAMM

Wow - Hammond decided to bring enclosures and transformers to NAMM - they brought tons of 1590G for free samples (so I got 15), but on the last day they gave away all of their samples for free. Here is my haul...

The yellow 1590bb is small than the 1590XX in red/white and blue ones, then there are three octagonal (orange purple white), two trapezoids (big yellow, small purple); two purple 1590BBL an a small 1590bb (yellow)
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

Nice! I would have been all over that but I went to the OC guitar show at the fair grounds instead this weekend.
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

Sensei Tim

When did Hammond start offering enclosures in white????
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

I don't know - this was the first time they ever came to NAMM, they were on the lower floor with a small booth - just enclosures and transformers. But all of those came from there.

Which reminds me - I have also been getting boxes from BitchesLoveMySwitches - and the screws are too long. I like Lawrence but it's messed up when your box won't tighten down all the way - and I don't know of a way to fix it except to buy shorter screws.
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

There are different size screws for different enclosures so if you ordered multiple enclosure types and mixed up the screws you will have issues.
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

That is certainly a logical conclusion and I thought of that, but I am using the screws that are inside the  sealed enclosures when I get them.
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

Grind.the ends of.the screws down?
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

Nooooo!!!!! I was there all week and had no idea. Haha
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

In reply to this post by motterpaul
Had the same issue a few years ago with a batch of enclosures - screws appeared to be too long.

Actually the tapped holes in the box were not cut deep enough. Two minutes with a tap and wrench sorted them out.

Worth checking to see if yours are the same? An easy fix if they are.
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

Thanks - I will give it a try
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Re: Free Hammonds at NAMM

By the way if the screws are sealed in the enclosure then it has nothing to do with Lawrence, they came like that from China. If you ever have any issues, email Lawrence and he will fix it for you.

I agree that a thread tap is all that's needed. If not, you may have a 6-32 screw cutter on your wire strippers depending on what kind you use