Fulltone OCD Traced

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Fulltone OCD Traced

Hi i just find out a new traced layout of ocd here: http://www.freestompboxes.org/download/file.php?id=28464&mode=view 
I think its the most accurate so long and worth to give a try.Could anyone help convert to vero?Thanks!  
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Re: Fulltone OCD Traced

I'll adapt the layout.  Do you know what version this is?
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Re: Fulltone OCD Traced

I think its a 1.4 8/2007 version with C2,C12,R20,D2 values changed.I see also that said put 1k resistor between tone pot 1 lug and ground.You could make your layout or schematic with original values or leave these open to try mods.Thanks!