Funny Polida :P

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Funny Polida :P

I ordered on past August 10 pieces of ICL7660SCPAZ to Polida. These ICs never came, so I had to fill a claim with Paypal, beacuse the seller was no way willing to refund.

Well, today, after 10 months I've recieved this mail:

This is polida2008.
Have you received this order?
We refunded this case to you before.
If yes,pls kindly return money to us.


I couldn't believe it, so I answered:

No, i have not received this order after 10 months. Anyway, if it finally gets here after nearly a year and you expect to be refunded, you can keep on waiting. Dream on.


Funny guy this Polida :P Have to say that this is my only lost order  on past year of about 100 120 ones from all around the world.

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Re: Funny Polida :P

Ordered some IC's from Polida a couple of days ago even though my gut feeling was to look elsewhere.
Hope your experience is a one off.
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Re: Funny Polida :P


I've always gotten my packages from Polida. Some were crap, but they arrived within a month.
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Re: Funny Polida :P

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by tyler9durden
Many users of this forum have purchased from Polida with no problem, only general complain is that with free post, it  takes about 6-8 weeks to get to western europe.

What really shocked me was receiving this prevoius mail, 10 months after I ordered these IC's :P

Sounds just increible that someone's got such big balls to ask for  $3 if an order has finally arrived after nearly a year since purchased.

It won't arrive, is lost with no doubt, but if it gets here  some day, I'll mail Polida  and tell him that the order has arrived, and that if he wants it to be sent back, just has to send me $10 (s&h) and I'll return the IC's with no problem.. in a few months, of course :P

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Re: Funny Polida :P

Jon Rep
In reply to this post by JaviCAP
My 10 pieces of ICL7660SCPAZ  pieces from Polida2008 also did not arrive after 2+ Months. It now is 6+ months. I put a case in with EBay and an unfavourable comment about Polida 2008 and I got an immediate refund.  I have decided  not to buy components from China with Free Postage after this experience.  I'd rather buy elsewhere pay more for postage and know I will get the components within a week or 2.   People elsewhere on Forums have mentioned that it may not be the Vendors fault but China Post.   Who Knows ????
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Re: Funny Polida :P

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
I've ordered from Polida and got a message asking me if I could pay an extra $3 for P+P as the free shipping sometimes gets delayed or lost! I sent a message back explaining that if they wanted to try and extort money from me then they could refund me for the item. I think my order arrived around 6 days later, probably one of the quickest I've received :D
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Re: Funny Polida :P

Yeah he did that to me once as well Rick, although I was ordering about $30 of parts and so wasn't bothered about paying a little bit extra and just paid it. I've never had any issues with Polida other than the delivery time which I can live with, and will still order the odd things from them which are difficult or a lot more expensive to get elsewhere (the CA3080 for instance).  I've got enough diodes to last me a lifetime, and there are cheaper places for common ICs and transistors so I don't buy too much from him any more.
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Re: Funny Polida :P

Yeah I should have probably said that other than the issue with p+p (which to be fair could have just been a badly phrased question and he did apologise) I had no issues, good price, quick delivery and the JFETs I got work great.
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Re: Funny Polida :P

I've had various bits and they've all been fine - just a bit slow to arrive.

Ordered 100x 1N34A recently though and only 2x had a .2-.3v forward voltage - of the other 98x, half were dead and half measured more like .5-.6v.
