Fuzz Face PNP Negative Ground Bipolar Power Inverter Question

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Fuzz Face PNP Negative Ground Bipolar Power Inverter Question

so i just built a Ge fuzzface using marks pnp layout with on board inverter. it should great, but i remember reading that javi said the filtering cap on the power supply really tames it, but he also said that you really can't remove it as it makes the voltage supply unstable and the power doesn't stay at -9V. can it really not be removed. i ask mostly because I'm curious as to what difference it makes in the tone, gain, and overall awesomeness of the fuzzface.

btw, layout here:

once i know, next build MKII and MKIII tonebender.....
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Re: Fuzz Face PNP Negative Ground Bipolar Power Inverter Question

A larger filter cap definitely does tame fuzzes sometimes and I suspect that would be the case with a simple circuit like the Fuzz Face.  But you can just use a much lower value cap like 1u which is used at the inverter pin on the Klon.  I think the best bet in instances like this is to use any cap that will allow the charge pump to do it's job, whilst not being so large that it also filters the fuzz.
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Re: Fuzz Face PNP Negative Ground Bipolar Power Inverter Question

hmm, i didn't know that. do you think that a lower filter cap, like a 1uF would be good here in place of the 10uF or do you think it won't make much of a difference? also, which 10uF cap is the filter cap? i assume its the one on column 7, right?

btw, i built it and it fired right up, and sound fantastic with GT402V's hfe in the 70-80 range. i also tried it with my a set of red dot nkt275's in the "holy grail" gain ranges in Q1 & Q2, and i was floored. been using this as a test bed for different transistors to hear them. oh, and i changed the 470r resistor to 1.5k to allow for drastically more possible volume. freaking love this. it blows away the dunlop ones, but normal size and mini, but i do love the mini. there's something about looking down and seeing a smiling face looping at you.
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Re: Fuzz Face PNP Negative Ground Bipolar Power Inverter Question

something i just noticed while playing with the bias pot. since i replaced the 470r resistor with a 1.5k, not the bias pot doesn't go bellow 8.2k, so i can't decrease the bias voltage below 4.5V. What can i do to change that, so i can get some sputtery miss biased sounds?