Fuzz Face with BMP tone control

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Fuzz Face with BMP tone control

Hi could anyone help me convert this interesting schematic to vero?

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Re: Fuzz Face with BMP tone control

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Re: Fuzz Face with BMP tone control

Thanks for the fast reply.Excellent work!
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Re: Fuzz Face with BMP tone control

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I found this project and have been trying to build it all day. I feel positive I got it right, and triple-checked everything, but it is still not working. I now see it was created from a schematic, and here is the original blog-posting with comments. http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/2014/04/npn-fuzz-face-with-bmp-tone-stack.html

I cannot get this to work and have tried a few different transistors that I have, with no luck. BTW: I did build 1 with no pot to replace the 8k2 resistor. I only saw that option later (apparently I started with a different blogpost or something).

Does anyone know any specific tricks for this - or whether it is even worth it. My goal was to find a fuzz unit with a tone stack. Maybe you have a better idea and I should just move on.

NOTE: I am guessing I need different transistors. I had some MPSA13 NPNs - but they did not work right (and I checked the orientation first), I tried putting in two different NPNs and still not joy. I also did not have a 2.2u cap, so I two 4.7u in series - still no joy. What transistors do you recommend.

Another ? - if you were going to buy 100 transistors right now to build various gain and overdrive circuits, what would they be? same with ICs. I have 4559s and TL062s. What do you keep on hand?