Fuzz Stainer...Travis?

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Fuzz Stainer...Travis?

I think this message is for Travis (?)

I have seen the Sam Ash Fuzz Stainer being mentioned in this thread:


Where it's advised by Travis, but could not find the layout anywhere...

Is it because I'm terrible at searching, or is this layout the same as another one on this site?

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Re: Fuzz Stainer...Travis?

Here you go
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: Fuzz Stainer...Travis?

Man, thanks a lot.

Such an idiot, sorry. I have been looking for 'Stain', 'Stainer'....

Forgive me, It's morning over here :D
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Re: Fuzz Stainer...Travis?

Funny to see the questions I was pestering Mark and Miro with :)

Looks like I was a little late here. Cool pedal though
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Re: Fuzz Stainer...Travis?

Yeah.. can't wait to try it :)

Any suggestions what transistors work best? I have the originals but not sure they work well in this adjusted layout? Wil socket them and try ofcourse, but any suggestions?

Also, I can't seem to find a 20k lin pot. Would a 25 work?

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Re: Fuzz Stainer...Travis?

The layout is pretty minimally modified. The only differences from the original are the additions of the polarity protection diode, DC filter cap, lowering output resistor from 68K to 1K and making the bias trimpot an externally mounted pot.

So the original tranny type should work well. My 2N5088 were too high gain for this for my taste

I used 25K in my build also, sounds good!

My build was kinda noisy, probably due to the output resistor being 1K instead of 68K. I added base-collector caps to quiet mine a bit, but you'll see if that's a problem for you