Fuzz clean boost - guitar vol pot incorporation

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Fuzz clean boost - guitar vol pot incorporation

New to this forum and new to vero/stripboarding, although I've build a couple of kits, it's been "ready to solder" kits, but I'd really like to get a deeper knowledge of making guitar effect pedals.

So I have my 69 face fuzz, that I use mainly for a "Hendrix cleanish/broken up" sound, that is fuzz on 10 and vol on 8-10, and then rolling of the fuzz with the guitar vol.

So I'm thinking I could incorporate the guitar vol pot into a fuzz pedal and omit the vol and fuzz as they're always on 10 (almost, maybe install a trimmer, being able to dial in some tones would be a good idea). Could I just insert a vol pot between the jack input lug and the input on the board?

Also, I'm only interested in the 50-100% volume area of the pot, is there a clever way to set that up?

Hope it makes sense

In advance thanks
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Re: Fuzz clean boost - guitar vol pot incorporation

I have built about a million Fuzz Faces (it feels like) and I went through a phase for a while where I would omit the fuzz control (fix it at max) and add a pot to simulate the guitar volume instead

What I have found is that the pedal sounds just slightly better when you build the stock circuit and use your guitar to make the adjustment

The reason I say that is that I find that there tends to be just slightly more noise with this modified configuration, and the stock fuzz control is sometimes actually very useful depending on transistor selection. In other words, I get slightly better noise performance and versatility out of the stock circuit (when built with great attention to detail of course)

If you want to do this mod it is very simple. Move the wire labeled input from the board to your new pot lug 3. Then lug 2 of your new pot connects to the input of your board. To simulate 50-70% of the volume pot maybe try anywhere from about 25K-100K pot
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Re: Fuzz clean boost - guitar vol pot incorporation

Cool, thanks, I'll give it a short, and see if the noise level is barable.
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Re: Fuzz clean boost - guitar vol pot incorporation

It’s not even a big difference, I’m just a bit of a freak when it comes to the Fuzz Face

Have fun