Fuzz probe... how?

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Fuzz probe... how?

I saw this on youtube: http://www.zvex.com/products/fuzz-probe

So.. does anyone know how this "antenna" works in this weird Fuzz factory?
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Re: Fuzz probe... how?

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Re: Fuzz probe... how?

BuGG have you or someone else actually built that successfully?

I have seen schematics and discussion but only ever read about failed builds
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Re: Fuzz probe... how?

I've breadboarded the circuit a couple years ago with a copper clad blank as the antenna.  It did work, I was able to control the LED brightness but I never actually paired it to a circuit.
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Re: Fuzz probe... how?

Call me stupid but if the led brightness is controled by the circuit which then controls the LDR, why have circuit in the first place?
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Re: Fuzz probe... how?

It's not a stupid question: You could just use an expression pedal or build the effect into a wah shell and have a pot instead of the LDR. The probe circuit is a way to do remote foot control for a parameter without the associated mechanical design issues of having a moving treadle turn a pot shaft.

Personally, I think it was a bit of a gimmick and since I can't think of any other pedal manufacturer who has nicked this idea, it doesn't seem to have been a popular success.