FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

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FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

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On Hold, May be an error!!!
I'll update shortly.

Here's one I traced. I think it's correct. But not yet verified. Let me know if you have any questions. There's a nice demo by Andy at this link. Hope you enjoy.

Updated to fix gain pot connections.
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

I'm hoping to give this one a shot this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Verified. I only had B100ks so I'll have to order up some A taper when I get a chance. I'm waiting for my last Tayda order which has some 2N5089s in it so I have 5088s right now. Also gain is in reverse and gain and bloom don't need to be grounded, grounding them cuts signal at 0.

Very nice and thanks for the layout.

Would anyone know how to make this into the V2 Algal Bloom?
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Thanks for verifying it. I'll correct the items you mentioned. It's a pretty cool fuzz and has lots of good sounds that you can get out of it. I will be building on as well. The thing really grows on you.

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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

I was expecting the starve pot to work more like the Great Destroyer. It isn't dramatic but it definitely changes the character. The bloom pot is nice. If someone left the starve and gain on full those pots could be left out completely. I like them though. Paint is drying on my enclosure as I'm typing this.
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

This looks great. Nice layout! This just moved up to the top of my build list.

I'm also interested in v2 of this circuit. Mostly the 3-way tone stoggle. The description says middle is stock (v1), left and right of switch cut treble. I can use my ears and select my own cap values for the switch, but where do you guys think the tone cap(s) would be placed?
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Also, I wonder if trying out different diodes would have any effect on the sound. Perhaps some GE ones?
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

I was wondering the same thing actually. I don't have much inventoried lately but I was thinking of trying out a Germanium or maybe an LED.  I think the V2 options would definitely make it a better fuzz.
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

In reply to this post by Kinski
I really like how my enclosure turned out on this one too.

image1.JPG (125K) Download Attachment
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

bro, never new how artistic you were. that looks awesome. why haven't you posted any of your builds in the pedal show off?
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Thanks. I wish the insides of my pedals were as nice as the outsides though. I'll post some pictures when I get a minute. I think you might appreciate the paint on my Sonic Titan.

image1.JPG (166K) Download Attachment
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by squirrels
yes man!
that looks fantastic!
we want more!

are you a tattoo artist?
just guessing...
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Rocket, where is the pedal show off thread?
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

The Algal Bloom is yet another modified Electra Distortion (into a Bazz Fuss I think). Seeing as the Germanium Giant is a modified Electra too, I can't see any reason why Ge diodes won't work in this.

Try it and see. I'm going to build this one up too in the next couple of days, and I will certainly be trying it with Ge diodes.

The photo thread you are looking for is the sticky "show your pedal guts" thread in Open Chat.

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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Nice builds!

And thanks Beaker. I've got some other things I need to finish first, but as soon as those are done, I'll be building this, and I'll socket some stuff and experiment for sure.

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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Socket and see.

That's my motto.
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

In reply to this post by squirrels
Nice jobs Squirrels. Love the design.

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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Kinski
Hey guys I built this one as well. And I socketed the diode. The standard silicone is the sound of the pedal. With an LED it is crazy loud, but the fuzz looses it's character to my ears. More of a overdrive I'd say. But big time loud.

With a GE diode it got real splatty. Chords sounded good, but with single note runs it very gated, cut out. sounded more like a massively mis-bias tranny. I'd say give a few things a try, you might just find something that really grabs you. The stock diode had a fv of about .600. maybe some higher or lower range.
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

Thanks. The germanium sounds interesting. I noticed on Fuzzhugger's website the Algal Bloom XS has a color pot that blends silicon and germanium, anyone know how to implement that?
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Re: FuzzHugger Algal Bloom

actually it's pretty easy. check out this on amz. talks about all different types of ways to implement a pot with clipping diodes.