Fuzzolo build: bypass working, but no effect or LED

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Fuzzolo build: bypass working, but no effect or LED

Hello everyone,

This is my first time on the forum, and also building a vero build from scratch.

Here's a picture of it: Fuzzolo build

I have a problem with the build: I have signal going through when switch is OFF, but nothing when it's ON, and no LED.

When I plugged the DC first time, the LED kinda flashed multiple times, then nothing.

Also, I'm using a 3PDT switch with embedded LED in the washer, so the LED pins are no the side of the switch.
I did a small 2x4 vero to connect a 470R resistor between 9V and LED+, and on the other row there is the LED- and the wire going to the first lug of the switch.
Nothing wrong here?

I would appreciate any help, or even be redirected to some ressources.

Thank you very much