Fuzzrocious "Ram the manparts"

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Fuzzrocious "Ram the manparts"

Lord Ashram
Hi there!
I own the pedal mentioned above and a friend of mine traced back the schematic. I wouldn´t post it but since the pedal is no longer in production I think it won´t ruin someone.
Additionally Ryan is a nice guy and his pedals are quite unique.

I wanted to make some mods to the circuit but I am not very good nor experienced in transfering schematic to layout.

So if somebody is interested in the pedal and willing to do the stripboard-layout I am willing to bring in the schematic.

You can play a riff if your hands remember - not your brain.
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Re: Fuzzrocious "Ram the manparts"

Hey man. If you don’t want to post the schematic, by all means email it to me and I’ll gladly put a layout together.