G2D Cream Tone, wow!

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G2D Cream Tone, wow!

Lee Oswald
Finished mine a while back, and i'm impressed. More often than not,
I build a drive pedal, and sell or trade it. Not this bugger! It really sounds
freaking great. I'm impressed. and relieved I didn't spend 300.00 on it.
i mean, it sounds great, but for 300.00 it had better do the laundry or
something such as that.

Interesting that it seems to bear some resemblance to the Barber Direct Drive.
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

I was meaning to build this a long time ago and completely forgot about it. Even considered buying one (wipes forehead in relief)... I'll have to get onto this one!
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

This one has been on my radar too.  Good to hear a report from the (DIY) field.  I have some TL072s and TL074s so I'm all set there.  Just need to make sure I have enough B10K pots (you never have enough pots for these projects... ).
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

Lee Oswald
Yeah guys, it's really worth building.

I'm seldom impressed with many drive pedals, but this one is a major score.
It somehow makes those I've built and abandoned worth it.

No matter how many freaking pots I buy, it's never enough. Something
always comes along that I don't have. I have a bureau drawer full of these things.
It's pretty absurd.
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

I've bought quite a few of these now and they work great.  Cheap even compared to Alpha from Tayda

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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

Yes - but I like the solid shafts and solder lugs of the 16mm Alpha pots.  How do you solder wire leads to those skinny PCB connectors?  But if they work for you...

Alpha pots are about $1 a piece from the US suppliers.   I've got quite a collection now, and have harvested some from abandoned builds.  Still, the Cream Tone needs four B10Ks!  No matter, I'll get some from Small Bear in due course.  My reasoning for purchases like these is that I can buy 5 alpha pots for what its costs to get a coffee and bagel at Starbucks.  Or one premium beer at my local pub! (Remember that when you're out at your local pub this weekend).    
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

I don't mind the split shafts at all, haven't had a single problem using them with usual grub screw knobs.  Although I've always pushed the keyway tab that you snap off the pots in the split which keeps it solid.  

I just do this, which also makes it easier to link lugs or connect more than one wire etc:

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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
i actually like the split shafts too, but use both. Frank, you know if you order from tayda, it comes out of colorado if you're in the US. at least when i make all my orders that's where they come from.
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

Silver Blues
Yeah I do the trick with the alignment tab as well. Two out of the four pedals I've built for myself (and soon three of five) have set-screw knobs on knurled-shaft pots. What I do is I cut a length of those fast-food sized drinking straws and put it over the knurling before I put the knob on, it gives the screw a flatter surface to grab and most importantly prevents the knob from canting when you tighten the set-screw.

But I just solder wires to the solder lugs directly
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

silver, that drinking straw idea is brilliant. i never thought about doing that, and it would make my life so much easier. i keep thinking about cutting the length of the pot shaft down so the knobs sit closer to the enclosure so it will look nicer like the non-knurled pots. but every time i think about doing it, i just think fuck it, it's for me and no big deal. i'm just too lazy, and once i get everything put together, i'm just too excited to try it out that i just don't get around to it. lol
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

Lee Oswald
In reply to this post by Silver Blues
I've got ask. What is canting?

My ignorance is now fully revealed.
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

"Frank, you know if you order from tayda, it comes out of colorado if you're in the US. at least when i make all my orders that's where they come from."

Yes - I have ordered from eBay seller "Thaishine" from Colorado.  They are superb - orders ship in one day.  Purchased many parts from them (lots of capacitors, 9V jacks, etc.).

IvIark - that's a great idea - using vero to connect the PCB leads on the pots to your circuit board wires.  I'll have to remember that one.
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Re: G2D Cream Tone, wow!

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
Lee Oswald wrote
I've got ask. What is canting?

My ignorance is now fully revealed.

cant 1  (knt)
1. Angular deviation from a vertical or horizontal plane or surface; an inclination or slope.
2. A slanted or oblique surface.
a. A thrust or motion that tilts something.
b. The tilt caused by such a thrust or motion.
4. An outer corner, as of a building.
v. cant·ed, cant·ing, cants
1. To set at an oblique angle; tilt.
2. To give a slanting edge to; bevel.
3. To change the direction of suddenly.
1. To lean to one side; slant.
2. To take an oblique direction or course; swing around, as a ship.

Through all the worry and pain we move on