GGG Weslie

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GGG Weslie

Dust Bunny
Hello, I have been making stuff with your layouts for well over a year now, but have not participated in the forum until now. I have a couple of requests. I just built the Weslie from GGG and like it a lot, although I would like to do a few mods and would love a vero layout for that purpose. I get very frustrated doing layouts myself but you guys seem to knock them out with ease.

Also the Grind Custom three stage phaser would be cool. And, what I would really LOVE is a series where you take some of these modulation projects and layout separate boards for the sections (LFO, Phase Stage, Amp). I think this might make some of the more complex circuits manageable, and trouble shooting easier. On a Shoot the Moon Trem for example, you will know if your LFO is good if the led is pulsing and you can measure and adjust the swing of the LDR before integrating it with the rest of the effect.

Doing this could open the possibility for experimentation. Right now I would love to add the phase stages of the grind custom to the filter from the weslie, and modulate them both with the LFO from the shoot the moon. I think if that could be done it would result in a nice Leslie type effect that I and a lot of people I know covet.

Anyhow, your guys are the BEST!! I have an arsenal of great effects now and have learned so much from this sight. I have layed some nice pedals on some friends as gifts and they love them.

....And I met Jimi Photon as a result of this sight. I saw his posts and references for a while and then discovered we were practically neighbors (I live in Boston, MA and he is about 50 miles away in Manchester, CT.) and had many mutual friends. I contacted him and we had coffee...wonderful guy, gave me some Ge...    
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Re: GGG Weslie

Have you got links to the schematics?
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Re: GGG Weslie

Dust Bunny
Yup! Here is the scematic for the weslie.
...hope I did that right. I bought the board and built it on that. It sounds decent. I would move the tone pot inside on a trimmer because it seems as if it is more of a bias thing rather than a tone pot. It needs a vibrato stage incorporated into it though, maybe just a single stage like the Magna Vibe or Wobbletron, that would be a sweet and pretty simple Leslie effect.  Once again Love your sight and admire your expertise, I have learned a lot!!