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Gain booster....

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Gain booster....

63 posts
... Built into a guitar? Is this possible?  Apart from the obvious size limitations, i cant see any reason why this wouldnt work, but would it create any weird interference or some other gremlin that i'm not smart enough to forsee?

One of my guitars is a home made jobbie, with only a single emg humbucker, and no tone control, i had the idea after i disconnected the tone control, rather than having a useless knob serving no purpose other than to occupy the hole in the guitar body, i wondered if it was possible to re-purpose it for something else....

Let me know what you guys think, if it's a stoopid idea, say so haha
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Re: Gain booster....

1993 posts
Yeah of course it's possible you just need a battery to power it
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Re: Gain booster....

63 posts
EMG active pickup, the battery and wiring are already in there....

Can anyone recommend a decent example? Preferably something small, but i'm quite happy to start chopping holes in the body to accomodate something decent (i'm a carpenter by trade, no luthier but i know what i'm doing (somewhat))

Maybe i could hide it underneath the dummy pickup, or even build it into a pickup cover and just run wires to a pot....

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Re: Gain booster....

63 posts
My only concern is somehow ruining the sound of a very sweet sounding guitar, i dont want to alter the way it sounds, but an onboard booster seems like a cool (and useful) guitar mod